+Are you accepting new patients?
We are accepting new patients currently. Before your appointment, you can print the new patient form in the Office Visit and fill it out at home before your visit.
+What do I need for my visit?
Please be sure to bring your insurance card and make our office aware of any changes to your insurance.
+What if I need a refill of a prescription?
Refills for long-term medications will be authorized during regular office hours. Please allow 24 – 48 hours to be called into your pharmacy.
+Do I need medical insurance to be a patient?
You do not need insurance to be a patient at Valley Family Care PC. Our Fees Are Fair. They are about the same as those of other qualified doctors in the area, and the cost is enough to cover the expenses of running a family practice.
+What forms of payments are accepted?
Forms of payments accepted are Cash, Check, or Credit Card
+What if I must cancel my appointment?
To Cancel an Appointment, please give us at least 24-hour notice. Other ill patients will be able to use this time effectively. We’ll then reschedule your appointment for a time more convenient for you.